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Inflation is skyrocketing. Wages are stagnating. The cost of living is out of control for hardworking Marylanders. This is the result of bad policies: unaccountable government spending, debt, and taxes that take the very last dollar out of the pockets of people who need it the most. When I’m in Congress, I’ll fight for policies that rein in inflation, lower taxes, preserve our crucial infrastructure, make housing more affordable, and help our businesses, farmers, innovators, and entrepreneurs prosper.


Troublemakers and terrorists are attacking the order that the United States had until recently preserved. Now more than ever, we need to project our authority and ensure peace. At the same time, we need to stop the reckless spending that has taken the place of effective policy. When I’m in Congress, I’ll fight to make sure that Americans don’t have to read about our foreign policy failures in the headlines every day and that the order and stability we’ve already secured at the cost of countless lives is protected for future generations.


There is nothing more important than simple safety. The elderly, women, and children need to be able to go about their lives without worrying if they’re going to become the next victim of some horrible crime. Attacks, theft, and violence of any kind are unacceptable in our communities. However, policymakers have neglected the people and failed to create a system that effectively keeps criminals off our streets. When I’m in Congress, I’ll fight to make sure Marylanders, especially the most vulnerable members of our community, are safe and sound.


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